Using more than one mail account
Let me say first I can not find the manual!
I have 3 email different accounts.
My default is BT.
If I don't want to use BT's SMTP. How do I chose which of my account I am
sending from?
I see in headers "From just shows BT" but at the end of that line there is
a little menu icon. How can I populate that with my accounts?
In Messenger> Choices>Site details>Hermes>setup
Sometimes I get Hermes accounts with Outgoing mail sever options (I think
shift helps)
At the bottom I select Overide which seems to apply to all accounts?
I can then Edit SMTP accounts
In the address option. I think I need to enter some word from the name of
the email account I am sending from.
However what ever I enter when I send an email it reports connecting to
Should it say connecting to "account name" SMTP
What have I missed?
Netfetch 5.52 1st May 2019. Messenger 8.04 Aug 2019.
These questions are no different before or after latest update
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