Re: Forwarding HTML emails
In message <64c1a75459.Richard@...>
Richard Mellish <Richard@...> wrote:
> Those of us who still prefer plain text emails are nowadays in a minority,
> with the world and his wife using HTML by default.
> MPro usually copes adequately with HTML-only emails, showing an
> approximation as text plus a pseudo-attachment of the HTML which you can
> view in a browser. But it gets messy when you need to forward one to other
> people. One option is to forward only the plain text, but any features of
> the HTML such as coloured or bold text, which might be significant, are
> lost and there are often spurious characters resulting from passage
> between OSs and incomplete handling of Unicode. Another option is to
> forward the whole thing, but the recipients then see an attachment called
> Email.htm, which some are suspicious of.
> How do others on here deal with it?
I deal with it by always replying in text only.
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